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Drop Off and Pickup Policy

Parents are required to be punctual with the drop off and pick up of their child. Parents are not to leave their child before the starting time. The teacher and assistant teacher will be busy preparing for the session, and will not be able to take responsibility for children who are dropped off early. Equally, it is important that you are on time to pick your child up.

Children become concerned if you are late. The committee reserves the right to fine any parents/carers ($20.00) who are continually late either dropping off or picking up their child.

If you have arranged for another adult to pick up your child please ensure that this is clearly stated on the sign in sheet and the teacher or assistant teacher is verbally informed. It is also very important your child is aware of the change in pick up arrangements.

Behaviour Management Policy

The children are encouraged to accept basic rules that respect each other's safety and feelings, and to care for their physical environment. Should a child not follow the basic rules the employed teacher will be able to positively state the way the child should behave and redirect the child to an appropriate activity.

At no time will the use of smacking or negative reprimand be tolerated. Parents on duty are advised to refer to the teacher in the case of challenging behaviour. Time out behaviour management will only be used at the teacher's discretion, in extreme cases, in consultation with the parent.

Health Policy

Children must bring their own hat to every session and it should be clearly labelled. A sunhat/beanie is worn all year round in line with Preschool policies. Hats may not be shared or placed in a common basket/box so as to eliminate the risk of transferring head lice. In the event of head lice, the child will be excluded until appropriate treatment has been carried out and the head lice have disappeared.

Any accidents must be recorded in the accident record book. The parent must be notified and sign the accident book.

The child must not attend if they have any communicable disease. A notice is in place on the notice board, of all excludable diseases as per ACT Health Department instruction.

To maximise optimal health standards in the kitchen/craft sink areas please use the correct coloured sponges as per the chart on the wall for cleaning surfaces.


Cultural Inclusion Policy

Wombats Playschool does not at any time discriminate children of diverse cultural background. Wombats Playschool does not discriminate between the genders of children.  Wombats Playschool also includes children of all denominations, no matter what their religious or spiritual backgrounds.

We implement the inclusion of ALL children through example, and by educating ALL Wombats about the world round them through:

  • Storytelling

  • Guest Speakers

  • Excursions

  • Role-playing

  • The Arts

  • Show-and-tell

  • Discussion

  • And openly accepting and teaching about the various relevant differences.

If need be, Wombats Playschool will ask Children's Services for a ESL Teacher's Aid for those children who need extra support within the classroom.


Immunisation Policy

There are no specific ACT Department of Education policies and procedures for enrolment of children in Playschools in the ACT.  All ACT Playschools are autonomous and operate under their own rules and guidelines on the matter of enrolments.  The policy described in this section has been altered to bring into line with ACT Preschools.

Children attending Wombats Playschool are encouraged to be fully immunised for their age.

Children who are not fully immunised must be notified to the Teacher in charge. In the event of an outbreak at Wombats Playschool of a notifiable condition subject to the vaccination schedule, any unimmunised child must be withdrawn from the school for a set period as advised by ACT Health, for their own protection.

Wombats Playschool accepts no other liability for unimmunised children, and parents choosing non-immunisation must be made aware of that limitation.

Wombats Playschool will not refund sessions fees for a child temporarily withdrawn due to their lack of appropriate immunisation.


For more detailed information on all policies relating to Wombats Playschool, please refer to the Handbook.

© 2018 Wombats Playschool

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